The Week of May 4th

Happy Star Wars Day!!!! May the 4th be with you!!!!

ZOOM SCHEDULE:  Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:30; Friday at 1:00.  Recorder Lesson with Ms. Rechel is on Wednesday at 2pm.

Daily Work:

1) 1 session of Successmaker Reading (80 percent or higher)
2)  1 session of the following depending on the day:
                Monday and Tuesday- IXL Math
                Wednesday and Thursday- IXL Reading
                Friday- Reflex Math
3) Read for 20 minutes
4) Complete a Day lesson from your workbook.
5) OMA Lesson that was posted to Dojo.
4) Complete the work below:

Friday's Math/Science Lesson:

Airplane instructions- We did intermediate!!!- Make three identical intermediate planes.  Fly first 3 flights regular and then 3 with drag added.  See the document below for directions of how to measure.

Paper Airplane Science-Math LESSON POWERPOINT


Newsela-  I have assigned you an article about Baby Yoda Toys using the Newsela software.  Your job is to open your Clever and click on the Newsela app.  It will open to a page of your assignments.  
Read the article and highlight key details.  THEN, click on the assignments tab!  You must complete the Quiz and the Write question.  For the Write question, be sure to answer the question it is asking about author's purpose *persuade, inform, entertain*.  You must cite evidence from the text to support your answer.  (According to the text_________________)  (I know the author was trying to ____.  I know this because in the text______________.  In paragraph _____ the author ________.) etc.



Journal entries:
These should each be a *minimum of 5 complex sentences*.  Complex sentences are longer and have more details in them.  Use your best handwriting.  All conventions should be checked so that they are correct (spelling, punctuation, spacing, capitalization).  Pick one topic a day.  

Prompts to Choose From:
  • If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?  
  • Write out the recipe for Moon Dough from last week.  Describe how it felt to use and play with.  What ideas do you have for what you can make out of Moon Dough?
  • STAR WARS DAY-  Write a creative story where the characters and setting are from any Star Wars movie!  Write your story and include a problem and solution.  
  • What are your favorite foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Give descriptions of each meal.
  • Should we have uniforms to wear at school?  Write me a letter telling me why or why not.
  • MOTHER'S DAY-  Create an Acrostic poem for the word MOTHER. If your grandmother takes care of you, write a poem for her! 
  • MOTHER'S DAY-  Write a letter to your mom thanking her for what she does for you!  If your grandmother takes care of you, write a letter to her!


  • Be sure you finished the lessons that were posted last week.
  • Complete lesson 27-  CLICK HERE for Lesson 27  Complete the pages that say Practice and HOMEWORK at the TOP.


This is bonus project for your to complete.  You will need a piece of paper, crayons/markers/colored pencils/paint.  Paint is only optional. You can *trace* your hand and then color it in.

Create a card for your mom/grandma for Mother's Day.  See below for examples that can be found on the internet.  Use whatever materials that you already have at home!!  (Check with a grown up first)
Be creative!  What else can you turn your hand into?  Some ideas shown are flowers (whole hand or each finger as a flower), butterflies, I have seen cactus hands, etc.  Use your imagination.


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